Child in a red mask.  Text reads: Updated Covid-19 Procedures

Savannah R3 Board votes to Update Covid Response Plan 

The Savannah R3 School District’s COVID-19 Practices & Guidelines are developed with one priority - the health and well-being of our students and staff.  We are proud to support the 3,000 individuals who make up our SR3 family.  The district has sought to balance our students, employees, and families' academic, social-emotional, and health needs with these plans. 

The State of Missouri has charged us with developing a plan that best meets the needs of our community.  Our primary goal is to reduce the chance of any students or staff members becoming infected Covid-19 or being a contact of someone infected, thereby ensuring that each child can remain at school and receive the best education possible.  

This plan includes many layers of protection, such as daily health screenings, frequent cleaning of facilities, practicing good hand hygiene, and social distancing by keeping students separated in classrooms whenever possible.  

Although we know more about this virus today than we did a year ago, developments within the medical community continue to evolve as more research is conducted.  Practices and guidelines are subject to change at any time to reflect current best practices for promoting the health and safety of our SR3 family.  

Detailed day-to-day logistical procedures are developed and implemented by each school in our district to ensure specific and unique building needs are met.  

The updated covid response plan found here