xc smith

Monday, September 23rd, the SMS Cross Country athletes compete at Smithville against eight area schools. Students ran in two heats, one for boys and the other for girls, giving seventh and eight grade students the opportunity to compete together. Both our female and male teams took home 3rd place overall. Quite a feat against some tough Kansas City competition!

Wednesday, September 25th, students traveled to Truman Middle School to compete against St. Joseph and surrounding schools. The Savages took home several ribbons including:

8th Grade Boys | Wyatt Jones (7th), Coen Clark (10th)

8th Grade Girls | Tinley Byergo (1st), Lily Thornton (4th), Heidi Wheeler (8th)

7th Grade Boys | Braylen Price (3rd), Blake Connolly (10th)

7th Grade Girls | Lia Angold (2nd), Ryleigh Brooner (3rd), Aniyah Durham (5th), Addy Richman (8th), Teagan Gerken (10th)